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The Place for RV, Semi, Cabin & Boat Mattresses.

"We Manufacture Any Custom-Sized Mattress!"

(863) 875-5520

What sizes are available?

Any size is available upon request but with many models you are limited to being smaller than a standard King or California King mattress. This is because the mattress will be made by taking the King and shortening it. With some innerspring models, multiple coil sets can be combined to exceed King size but that is not possible on all models. If you need an odd size bigger than a King, please call us to find out what models are available or if we can refurbish.

What if it doesn't fit?

We will never ship out a mattress that exceeds the size you have ordered without contacting you first to check if the extra size will cause an issue. Since these are custom made for you they can not be returned, so please be careful when taking measurements. On some bed sets, the box spring will be a different size than the mattress so you will need to measure both pieces. Also, since beds are often set up not perfectly square, you will need to measure all four sides of the bed to find the correct size. Be sure to check for boards or bolts that often protrude in to the mattress area and order your pieces small enough to fit inside of these protrusions.


What about the box spring?

It is very important to measure the size of your box separate from your mattress because in many older bed sets, the box was made slightly smaller than the mattress. The length and width of solid foundation box springs can be custom made to fit exact dimensions. The thickness can not be customized but boxes are available in several standard thicknesses ranging from 4.5-9 inches.


How does the warranty work?

All of our mattresses have at least a 90 days warranty, some have up to one year. When a mattress has a "full" warranty, the mattress cost will be paid 100% for the entire life of the warranty. For partial "prorated" warranties, the mattress value is slowly reduced over the life of the warranty. Most of our mattresses have a hybrid warranty where they are full for the first 6-months, then prorated thereafter.  However, the warranty only covers the cost of the replacement mattress, so you will be responsible for shipping costs, or you may pick the mattress up directly from the factory warehouse.



Can I really order any size and shape?

At this time, we only distribute 4-sided rectangular mattresses. The size can be as large as a king, so up to 76" wide and up to 84" long. If you need an odd size bigger than a king, please call us to find out what models are available. You can also order a custom matress small enough to fit in a baby's crib. Mattresses are formed by rows of metal springs and since springs can not be cut in half, that means your mattress will be sized in increments of approximately 2 inches. This means that if you order 47x63 it may be built 46x62 or possibly 48x64 but 95% of the time it will come slightly smaller to ensure it will fit in the frame. Please let us know how precise your size must be.

in many cases, is based on circumstance, i.e. The load is always ready, the consignee is always ready to unload immediately upon your arrival, and the truck never breaks down…NOT, thus “circumstances.” In this type of environment, i.e. trucking, the more the driver knows about sleep, the better his life can be.

The fact is sleep not only rests your body but also your mind. This occurs during various cycles that allow specific restorative functions to occur which help you feel better. The more a driver knows about these cycles the better armed he/she will be to get the most out of every day.

When you sleep, you go through four stages, two of which are known as slow-wave (deep) sleep, and REM sleep, also known as rapid eye movement. These are both critical for daily functioning (Maas). Drivers, more than anyone else, should know about these stages to better manage their rest. There are sleeping tips you can follow to help you reach your goal of optimum functioning such as the Golden Rules of Sleep, Power Naps, and Caffeine Naps. These will ultimately lead to a better day’s performance on the road, and just plain feeling better every day.

Why do I need to know this info?

Are you a truck driver with a lot of road under your belt? This means that you are much more likely to be sleep deprived. This does not mean that you have sleep apnea, but perfectly healthy drivers can have a sleep deficit. Drivers are a special case. Their situation is not like your average person who wakes up at 6 and punches the clock at 7 with a schedule that brings him home at a regular time each day. The driver’s schedule (and consequently sleep),

What Every Driver Needs (and Want) To Know About Sleep

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